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#transparency international

Georgian Justice Minister: election watchdogs ‘caught lying’ over voter fraud allegations

The three leading transparency groups have refused to name the whistleblower they said informed them of the scheme

Georgian Justice Minister: election watchdogs ‘caught lying’ over voter fraud allegations

The three leading transparency groups have refused to name the whistleblower they said informed them of the scheme

Georgian presidential election to go to second round

With 99% of votes counted, Georgian Dream–endorsed Salome Zurabishvili leads with 39% of votes while the UNM’s Grigol Vashadze is second with 38%.

Georgian presidential election to go to second round

With 99% of votes counted, Georgian Dream–endorsed Salome Zurabishvili leads with 39% of votes while the UNM’s Grigol Vashadze is second with 38%.

Georgian Dream continues ‘anti-NGO rhetoric’

Bidzina Ivanishvili again berated leading local non-governmental organisations, in an interview with journalists.

Georgian Dream continues ‘anti-NGO rhetoric’

Bidzina Ivanishvili again berated leading local non-governmental organisations, in an interview with journalists.

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