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Daptar publishes stories in Russian about women and the challenges they face in Daghestan, focusing on domestic violence, early and forced marriages, honour killing, and gender discrimination.

Voice | ‘I’m not a girl, I’m an athlete’

Despite all odds, in just one year, Patima Ayshalova has become one of Daghestan’s top boxers.

Voice | ‘I have finally accepted myself’ — an Ingush woman’s coming-of-age tale

For one Ingush woman, growing up in Ingushetia meant struggling with ‘restrictive’ traditions.

Voice | The bitterness of the Kvankhidatli salt — the women salt miners of Daghestan

In the mountain village of Kvankhidatli, women recall ‘going to the salt’ since the beginning of the 20th century.

Voice | ‘I’m a second wife and I don’t care what you think’

A 35-year-old woman from Makhachkala tells Daptar that becoming a second wife is a dream come true.

‘If she goes out — her relatives will kill her’

Men who kill their female relatives over ‘immoral behaviour’ are rarely brought to justice.

‘I was fourteen when I was kidnapped’

A story from Chechnya of a young woman’s kidnap, forced marriage, and escape.