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News.on.ge offers news, reports, analysis, blogs and commentary in Georgian from Georgia and abroad.

Georgians in Abkhazia and South Ossetia unable to vote

Georgians living in Abkhazia and South Ossetia won’t be able to vote in the Georgian elections scheduled for 31 October.

A million voices for the Kremlin’s propaganda — the Alliance of Patriots’ ‘million-person poll’

An anti-Western party, whose members are also members of the Georgian parliament, is using this question to ‘investigate’ the attitudes of the population.

Voice | ‘What I hate the most is the injustice of it’

Supermarket cashier Mako Gomuri, 20, is one of several people to lose an eye on 20 June during anti-Russia protests in Tbilisi.

Voices of Georgian emigrants — ‘They treated us like dogs’

Three women who braved landmines, hidden containers, and frozen seas in search for a better future in Greece.