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Shota Kincha

After fleeing a not-so-promising academic career and a disastrous attempt at being a bisexual activist, Shota is now a grumpy staff writer covering Georgia-related topics at OC Media. He is still interested in nationalism, far-right, and gender and queer issues, and still pretends to keep an eye on the wider Eastern and Central Europe region.

Beatings, harassment, and no arrests: Georgian Government critics under attack

Since Georgia’s government revived the foreign agent law, government critics have faced campaigns of harassment and beatings in the streets.

Georgia’s parliament passes controversial electoral code amendments

The amendments allow the Central Election Commission to pass resolutions without the votes of the opposition. 

US to impose travel bans on Georgians who ‘undermine democracy’

The move came in response to the Georgian government’s foreign agent law and ‘the use of violence to suppress peaceful dissent’.

Georgian PM rails against ‘liberal’ West at far-right Budapest conference

Irakli Kobakhidze claimed that Western-influenced liberals sought to undermine Georgian national identity. 

Georgian foreign agent law protester freed after year in prison

Lazare Grigoriadis has been released from prison following President Salome Zourabichvili’s pardon.

Georgian far-right group ‘gifted’ new political party after being de-registered

Alt Info has announced they had been given control of a previously unaffiliated far-right political party during a protest outside Georgian Dream’s offices.

Political wing of Georgian far-right Alt Info group de-registered as party

The move comes as the government has come under a barrage of criticism from the West over its planned foreign agent law.

Why is Georgian Dream reviving the foreign agent law?

Georgia’s ruling party has promised to pass a controversial ‘foreign agents’ law just six months before parliamentary elections, but the reasons for the move are unclear.

Georgian Dream to repeal parliament gender quotas 

Georgian Dream announced their plans to support a proposal from Girchi in exchange for their support in pushing through other electoral changes.

Georgian Dream announces constitutional changes to outlaw queer ‘propaganda’ and gender transitioning

Coming ahead of elections scheduled for October, the proposals could represent the ruling party’s pitch to the country’s conservative electorate.