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Shota Kincha

After fleeing a not-so-promising academic career and a disastrous attempt at being a bisexual activist, Shota is now a grumpy staff writer covering Georgia-related topics at OC Media. He is still interested in nationalism, far-right, and gender and queer issues, and still pretends to keep an eye on the wider Eastern and Central Europe region.

First legal gender recognition in Georgia for trans woman

A transgender woman in Georgia has had her gender officially recognised in the first such case in the country’s history.

EU-mediated talks fail for second time in Georgia

Following over six hours of negotiations on Tuesday, EU envoy Christian Danielsson said ‘none of the political parties’ could reach an agreement.

Bolt Food couriers on strike in Tbilisi

An unexpected cut to delivery payments has led drivers to mull unionisation.

Poll: over half of Georgians ‘would not get vaccinated’

Only 35% of those surveyed in Georgia said they would get vaccinated right away if they had a chance. 

Fears of vaccine hesitancy grow after nurse dies in Georgia

A 27-year-old nurse fell into a coma less than 30 minutes receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine in an apparent allergic reaction.

Blame game in Tbilisi after EU-mediated talks fail

After over 9 hours of negotiations on Thursday night, the EU envoy to Tbilisi announced that the government and opposition had failed to reach an agreement.

Georgian Azerbaijanis decry government ‘incompetence’ over Novruz religious designation

The Georgian government had submitted a decision to lift the curfew for Novruz, a secular holiday, to the State Agency for Religious Issues.

Georgian authorities: There will be ‘no storming’ of TV office

Media advocates sound alarms after prosecutors were given permission to obtain drive holding Ivanishvili-Gharibashvili recordings.  

Slew of witnesses accuse Bera Ivanishvili of terrorising critics

Witnesses continue to come forward after the airing of unverified private conversations between Bera and the PM plotting revenge on critics.

Five convicted in group murder of Georgian footballer Shakarashvili

The case has gripped Georgia since the 19-year-old’s body was discovered last June, gaining unprecedented media attention.

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