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‘Stalinists’ and ‘anti-Putin activists’ face-off in Tbilisi on Victory Day

Protesters chanted ‘Putin Khuylo’ at a march of the Immortal Regiment, which included people carrying portraits of Stalin.

‘Stalinists’ and ‘anti-Putin activists’ face-off in Tbilisi on Victory Day

Protesters chanted ‘Putin Khuylo’ at a march of the Immortal Regiment, which included people carrying portraits of Stalin.

Activists occupy ‘historic’ building in Baku to prevent demolition

Around 200 people have gathered inside the former Molokan church and the site of the first Azerbaijani radio station.

Activists occupy ‘historic’ building in Baku to prevent demolition

Around 200 people have gathered inside the former Molokan church and the site of the first Azerbaijani radio station.

Nurses protest low wages in Daghestan

Around 200 nurses from the state central city hospital in Buynaksk went on strike.

Nurses protest low wages in Daghestan

Around 200 nurses from the state central city hospital in Buynaksk went on strike.

Protest in Azerbaijan’s Ganja against prosecutions over 2018 unrest

The families of those detained say their relatives are being unfairly pursued.

Protest in Azerbaijan’s Ganja against prosecutions over 2018 unrest

The families of those detained say their relatives are being unfairly pursued.

Pankisi residents wary of post-riot prosecutions

Residents of Pankisi again gathered on Wednesday calling for local residents not to be prosecuted over Sunday’s clashes with police.

Pankisi residents wary of post-riot prosecutions

Residents of Pankisi again gathered on Wednesday calling for local residents not to be prosecuted over Sunday’s clashes with police.

Armenian agricultural export giant Spayka charged with tax evasion

The State Revenue Committee has initiated criminal proceedings against Spayka a major exporter of agricultural products.

Armenian agricultural export giant Spayka charged with tax evasion

The State Revenue Committee has initiated criminal proceedings against Spayka a major exporter of agricultural products.

Georgian riot police deploy rubber bullets and tear gas in Pankisi hydropower protest

Local residents were protesting the resumption of work on a hydropower plant in the valley.

Georgian riot police deploy rubber bullets and tear gas in Pankisi hydropower protest

Local residents were protesting the resumption of work on a hydropower plant in the valley.

Trans woman ejected from Armenian parliament after appeal to MPs

Lilit Martirosyan gave an impassioned speech to MP’s calling for more protection for transgender people in the country.

Trans woman ejected from Armenian parliament after appeal to MPs

Lilit Martirosyan gave an impassioned speech to MP’s calling for more protection for transgender people in the country.

Adjara authorities ‘may halt’ hydropower project after protests

The project in Georgia’s Machakhela Valley had led to widespread opposition from local residents.

Adjara authorities ‘may halt’ hydropower project after protests

The project in Georgia’s Machakhela Valley had led to widespread opposition from local residents.

Arrests follow Ingush referendum law protests

Three leaders and several participants of Ingush protests against the land swap deal with Chechnya were arrested this week.

Arrests follow Ingush referendum law protests

Three leaders and several participants of Ingush protests against the land swap deal with Chechnya were arrested this week.