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US to send advisor to Armenian defence ministry

The adviser is expected to start the work ‘in the coming months’.

US to send advisor to Armenian defence ministry

The adviser is expected to start the work ‘in the coming months’.

Armenia and US in talks to build new nuclear power plant

The life span of the current nuclear plant ends in 2036.

Armenia and US in talks to build new nuclear power plant

The life span of the current nuclear plant ends in 2036.

Ivanishvili ‘sends personal envoy’ to Washington amidst growing reports of sanctions against Georgian officials

The billionaire founder of the ruling party is reported to have sent the head of Georgia’s State Security Service.

Ivanishvili ‘sends personal envoy’ to Washington amidst growing reports of sanctions against Georgian officials

The billionaire founder of the ruling party is reported to have sent the head of Georgia’s State Security Service.

US travel sanctions reportedly hit Georgian officials

The names of those sanctioned will be announced during the week, local media reported.

US travel sanctions reportedly hit Georgian officials

The names of those sanctioned will be announced during the week, local media reported.

Washington sanctions ‘dozens’ over Georgia’s foreign agent law

According to the US State Department, this was the first tranche of the list of people who were sanctioned.

Washington sanctions ‘dozens’ over Georgia’s foreign agent law

According to the US State Department, this was the first tranche of the list of people who were sanctioned.

Russian spies ‘used sonic weapon’ on American in Tbilisi

An international investigation has suggested that Russian sonic or energy weaponry may be the cause of the Havana syndrome.

Russian spies ‘used sonic weapon’ on American in Tbilisi

An international investigation has suggested that Russian sonic or energy weaponry may be the cause of the Havana syndrome.

US sanctions Russian company operating Armenia’s largest mines

GeoProMining is reportedly owned by a Russian family with close ties to Putin.

US sanctions Russian company operating Armenia’s largest mines

GeoProMining is reportedly owned by a Russian family with close ties to Putin.

EU and US slam Georgian authorities over election conduct

The EU slated ‘an escalation of negative rhetoric, persistent allegations of intimidation and pressure on voters, and sharp imbalances in resources.’

EU and US slam Georgian authorities over election conduct

The EU slated ‘an escalation of negative rhetoric, persistent allegations of intimidation and pressure on voters, and sharp imbalances in resources.’

Georgia’s UNM ends boycott but refuses to sign EU-mediated deal

MPs from Georgia’s largest opposition party are to take up their seats ending their six-month boycott of parliament.

Georgia’s UNM ends boycott but refuses to sign EU-mediated deal

MPs from Georgia’s largest opposition party are to take up their seats ending their six-month boycott of parliament.