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Podcast | Roadblocks and acid lakes: an Azerbaijani village under siege

28 June 2023

The village of Soyudlu in western Azerbaijan was locked down by the police in late June after its residents protested environmental damage caused by a goldmine. The police’s response to the protests provoked outrage in Azerbaijan, with many activists criticising it for being disproportionate.

This week, we spoke to Roya Malikzada a lawyer at Ecobill, an Azerbaijani environmental group that has been providing legal aid to people in Soyudlu, Elmaddin Shamilzade, a journalist who was detained for his coverage of the protests, and Bahruz Samadov, a political scientist and PhD candidate at Charles University in Prague, about the protests, the police’s response, and the repercussions the incident might have on Azerbaijan.

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