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Podcast | Chechens trying to find their place in Europe

26 October 2023

The Kadyrov regime, installed by Moscow in Grozny after the fall of Ichkeria, a short-lived independent Chechen state that existed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, has led to a severe deterioration of human rights in Chechnya, as reports of police brutality, disappearances, torture, and the persecution of people formerly associated with Ichkeria became all too common.

Tens of thousands have since fled Chechnya and settled in Europe, with more attempting to seek asylum after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. However, some of the new arrivals have found a less than warm reception as the Chechen diaspora grapples with Islamaphobia and stereotypes in their host countries.

This week, Chamil Albakov, a representative of a group that claims to uphold the legacy of Ichkeria, with a government in exile, in France and Marat Ilyasov, a visiting scholar at George Washington University, talk about the challenges and stereotypes the Chechens of Europe face, and Europe’s denial of asylum to Chechens fleeing Kadyrov’s Chechnya and mobilisation in Russia.

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