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Join us to discover ‘The Caucasus with depth.’

Do you care about supporting independent journalism in the Caucasus? Then we are in this together. OC Media aspires to be the most definitive, trusted, and influential go-to source on the Caucasus for fact-checked information and in-depth analysis. But we can’t do it alone — consider becoming a member starting at just $5/month or $50/year and enjoy exclusive perks.

Not a fan of long-term commitments? No worries, we understand. Your one-time donations are also highly appreciated.

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Why a membership programme?

In 2017, unhappy with the media environment in the Caucasus, Mariam Nikuradze and Dominik K Cagara embarked on a journey to establish OC Media. Their aim was to create a progressive, pro-peace voice — a media organisation that would report the underreported and give voice to the voiceless. A couple of mistakes and some experimenting later, we are proud to say that we’re doing just that.

But independent journalism costs money, and we believe in fair compensation and just working conditions for our small team.

That’s why we need your support — to survive in the climate we operate, and most importantly, to keep our frontline reporting free for all.

Independent journalism in this region is under constant attack and we’re only as strong as our members make us.

Corporate Membership

We cater to organisations, companies, and embassies with our corporate membership programme, which includes an exclusive annual political forecast.
If you have any questions, reach out at: [email protected]

Caucasus Insider Club image

Caucasus Insider Club

All membersCorporate

Our community of members, supporters, and the whole OC Media team. Discuss all the latest in the Caucasus and more.

Audio versions of articles image

Audio versions of articles

All memberCorporate

Members will have access to AI-generated audio versions of most of articles, so you can stay up to date and listen on the go.

Early access to stories image

Early access to stories

A trusted allyAdvocate for FreedomCaucasus CrusaderA Guardian of IndependenceCorporate

We want to keep OC Media’s frontline in-depth news coverage from our local journalists on-the-ground around the Caucasus free to all.

But members will receive early access to select deep-dive articles before they unlock for the general public.

The Caucasus Daily Brief image

The Caucasus Daily Brief

A trusted allyAdvocate for FreedomCaucasus CrusaderA Guardian of IndependenceCorporate

A curated, daily brief of the most important stories from around the Caucasus; 12:30, Monday–Friday.

Read the Caucasus daily brief on the website or have it sent directly to your inbox.

A Caucasus-themed gift image

A Caucasus-themed gift

Advocate for FreedomCaucasus CrusaderA Guardian of IndependenceCorporate

Members will be able to choose a free Caucasus-themed gift! Designed by OC Media Director Mariam Nikuradze.

Subscribers for $20 choose one item, $50 get two $100 get three. Due to shipping difficulties if you live outside Georgia we will ship gifts once per year.

Meet the team image

Meet the team

Caucasus CrusaderA Guardian of IndependenceCorporate

For our Caucasus Crusader, A Guardian of Independence, and corporate members only, drop by our office, have a coffee, and meet the team!

The Caucasus Intelligence Briefing image

The Caucasus Intelligence Briefing

A Guardian of IndependenceCorporate

Our corporate and Guardian of Independence members will receive annual forecasts for the region.