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Benedikt Harzl
1 Posts
Benedikt is an Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Fellow at the Centre for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC and Assistant Professor at the Russian East European Eu
Amra, Sukhum/i (Benedikt Harzl)

Challenging traditional notions of sovereignty: the EU needs to step up its game in the South Caucasus [Opinion]


Conflicts over self-determination have been thoroughly studied. There is no shortage of works on the scope and contents of self-determination. Likewise, the thorny issue of what a ‘people’ constitutes has been widely problematised as well. Scholars have also investigated the delicate question of cases in which secession is permissible, with some advocating for ‘remedial secession’ in exceptional circumstances. However, how should the de facto states themselves — the most notorious outcomes of

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