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Mariam Kobaladze
2 Posts
Mariam is a Senior Researcher at CRRC Georgia.
Datablog | The problems facing Georgian courts

Datablog | The problems facing Georgian courts


In a series of studies, CRRC Georgia spoke with lawyers, judges, and business owners about the problems they perceive in the Georgian court system. Over the last few years, the court system in Georgia has been subject to criticism from politicians, civil society, and international bodies. The criticism mostly focused on the independence of judges, the selection and appointment of members of the Supreme Court, legislative shortcomings, access to court decisions, and the quality of court decisio

Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.

Datablog | Georgian TV and the political framing of foreign actors


No matter their political stripes, TV Channels in Georgia frame association with Russia as politically condemnatory and association with Western countries as praiseworthy.  The preliminary statement of the OSCE/ODIHR international election observation mission, published on 31 October, assessed the Georgian media environment as ‘highly polarised’. The Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics came to a similar conclusion, highlighting that polarization in television news increased as the election

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