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Ani Avetisyan

Ani is a seasoned journalist and fact-checker. Open-source investigations and data visualisation are her passions.

UN calls for release of Nagorno-Karabakh war POWs

‘Everyone deprived of their liberty for reasons related to the conflict should be returned to their homes’, a group of UN experts declared.

Armenia’s psychologists scramble to heal post-war trauma

A team of two hundred psychologists and psychotherapists has been tasked with healing the traumas of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh war. 

Former adviser charged with defrauding Armenian Defence Ministry 

Davit Galstyan, also known as Patron Davit, previously served as an adviser to former Defence Minister Davit Tonoyan.

Robert Kocharyan: ‘We will win Armenia’s next election’  

Armenia’s embattled second President, currently on trial for ‘overthrowing the constitutional order’, has announced he would participate in the next election. 

Armenian opposition leader calls for uprising but ‘without violence’

Vazgen Manukyan has been demanding that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan resign ‘without preconditions’. 

Child safe after hostage crisis in Yerevan resolved 

The man surrendered to police after several hours of negotiation with Armenia’s Chief of Police. 

Pashinyan and Aliyev meet for first time since war

According to President Putin, the meeting in Moscow included discussions of unblocking regional economic and transportation links.

Remains of Armenian soldiers ‘killed in December clashes’ reportedly handed over

The soldiers were reportedly killed in clashes near Hadrut in late December.

Armenian Prime Minister calls for new elections in 2021

The date of the elections will be set following consultations with the opposition, Pashinyan said. 

Armenia awaits complete numbers of killed soldiers and POWs 

So far, Armenia has published the names of 1,779 killed soldiers.