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Our writers

Tinatin Khidasheli

Tinatin is a former MP (2012–2015) and Defence Minister of Georgia (2015–2016). She chairs Civic IDEA, a Georgian think-tank monitoring Chinese influence in Georgia and the wider Black Sea region.

Tom Videlo

Tom Videlo is a British photojournalist who fell in love with the South Caucasus before ever visiting. He has documented everything from conflict to international trade but feels most at home in a small Georgian village surrounded by food and homemade wine.

Tsisana Khundadze

Tsisana is a senior researcher at CRRC Georgia.

Ulviyya Ali

Ulviyya is an independent journalist from Azerbaijan. Her work has appeared on media platforms such as RFE/RL, Voice of America, and Fact Check. Ulviyya is interested in reporting on politics, human rights, and social issues.

Vahid Aliyev

Vahid is an LGBTI activist at the Nafas LGBT Azerbaijan Alliance and is currently studying an MA in Queer History at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Vera Gogokhia

Vera is a civic activist and a medical doctor. She is one of the founders of You for Democracy, a Tbilisi-based NGO focusing on developing a youth activist network in Georgia.

Viktorya Muradyan

Viktorya Muradyan is currently pursuing her second MA degree in International Relations and Diplomacy at the College of Europe Bruges. She is a freelance journalist and frequent contributor to Regional Post Caucasus and evnmag. She produces and hosts her podcast series 'Eastern Dialogue' about Eastern Partnership states.

Zachary Fabos

Zachary Fabos is a researcher at CRRC Georgia.

Zarina Sanakoeva

Zarina is a journalist and civil activist from South Ossetia. She holds bachelor’s degrees in philology and political science from the South Osetian State University.