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Peter Liakhov

When he’s not busy editing an article or reporting a story, Peter dabbles in documentary film production. His interests include labour, social movements, and corruption.

Investigation implicates ‘Navalny Poison Squad’ in North Caucasus deaths

Bellingcat connected Navalny’s alleged assassins with the suspicious deaths of three men, two from the North Caucasus. 

Video | Year two of the Armenian revolution

A year of growing struggle over the meaning and legacy of the Velvet Revolution.

Pashinyan gives Amulsar mine the go-ahead despite critical environmental report

The report said the environmental assessment carried out by mining company Lydian was ‘unreliable’ and ‘misleading’.

Analysis | Ten years after a deadly crackdown in Armenia, will history repeat itself?

On 1 March 2008, 10 people died when police broke up protests. Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan is now once again raising the spectre of 1 March.