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Shota Kincha

After fleeing a not-so-promising academic career and a disastrous attempt at being a bisexual activist, Shota is now a grumpy staff writer covering Georgia-related topics at OC Media. He is still interested in nationalism, far-right, and gender and queer issues, and still pretends to keep an eye on the wider Eastern and Central Europe region.

Georgian Orthodox clergy double down on antisemitic sermons

The Georgian Orthodox Church has come under fire for a series of antisemitic sermons and comments by high-profile clergymen.

Georgian Dream approves turncoat Patriots as MPs

The four businessmen, who defied the party’s boycott of parliament, agreed to take the places of the party’s leaders higher on the party list.

New coronavirus variant confirmed in Georgia

This is the first case in the Caucasus of the new, more infectious strain first discovered in the UK.

Georgia’s opposition divided on ‘Serbian’ model

The ruling Georgian Dream has tried to downplay being alone in the parliament while friction grows among opposition groups about how to move forward.

Nika Melia elected new UNM head

Georgia’s largest opposition party has chosen Nika Melia as its new Chair. 

Tbilisi Mayor continues demolitions of ‘illegal houses’ despite opposition

New demolitions followed the authorities’ recent controversial move to tear down a squatter settlement in the Aprika settlement.

Tbilisi Mayor poses with Aprika residents after demolishing squatter settlement

Activists and human rights advocates claim tackling unlawful constructions this way aggravates homelessness in Georgia’s capital.

Leader of Georgia’s largest opposition party announces retirement

Grigol Vashadze criticised the UNM leadership for an ‘absence of strategy’ and an inability and to learn from mistakes.

Georgian election watchdog in hot water over parallel vote count error

ISFED has admitted that an error in their tabulation suggested the gap between the official vote count and theirs was larger than it really was.

Georgia’s new parliament opens without a single member of the opposition

Opposition groups have refused their parliamentary mandates, as negotiations with the ruling party are stuck in a deadlock.