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#may 17

Five data points about homophobia in Georgia five years after a homophobic riot

Five years after a homophobic riot in Tbilisi, CRRC examines the levels of homophobia in Georgia.

Five data points about homophobia in Georgia five years after a homophobic riot

Five years after a homophobic riot in Tbilisi, CRRC examines the levels of homophobia in Georgia.

Georgian Church distance themselves from Neo-Nazi groups

The Church urged any ‘aggressive’ groups to abstain from participating in events planned for 17 May.

Georgian Church distance themselves from Neo-Nazi groups

The Church urged any ‘aggressive’ groups to abstain from participating in events planned for 17 May.

Human rights committee under fire in Georgia over U-turn on queer rights

Chairperson Sopo Kiladze told Liberali on Sunday the committee would no longer be marking International Day against Homophobia.

Human rights committee under fire in Georgia over U-turn on queer rights

Chairperson Sopo Kiladze told Liberali on Sunday the committee would no longer be marking International Day against Homophobia.