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Giyas Ibrahimov
1 Posts
Giyas is an Azerbaijani peace and human rights activist. He spent three years in prison after writing graffiti on a statue of former president Haydar Aliyev in protest of the Azerbaijani government a
A child holds a poster reading: ‘Not Syunik,  Zangazur’. Illustration: Robin Fabbro/OC Media.

Opinion | The enduring lies of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict


The manufacture of a new collective memory of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War is underway in Azerbaijan. This process has the sole purpose of burying the real dynamics and lived experiences of the conflict under narratives that serve only the interests of the state and its ruling elites. A few days ago, a new school year began in Azerbaijani schools. Because of the pandemic, this will be the first time that children will be entering schools since 2019.  In the autumn of 2020, as the fighting

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