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Nino Mzhavanadze
3 Posts
Nino is a Researcher at CRRC Georgia.
Graffiti on a wall in Tbilisi. Photo: Shota Kincha/OC Media.

Datablog | Despite the war, Georgians differentiate Russia and Russians 


Despite the war in Ukraine and subsequent migration of Russians to Georgia, data suggests that people in Georgia still differentiate between the Russian people and the actions of their government. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a large-scale migration of Russians to Georgia led to a debate in Georgian society.  Many perceived the rising number of Russians entering Georgia as a security threat, and a majority wanted visa restrictions to be introduced for Russian citizens. Others empathis

Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.

Datablog | Do Georgians differentiate between the Russian people and Russian state? 


Given the hostile relations between Russia and Georgia over the last 30 years, Georgian public opinion towards their northern neighbour could be expected to be less than positive. But do Georgians differentiate between the Russian state and the Russian people? A study CRRC-Georgia conducted for the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (GFSIS) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) South Caucasus Office in 2021 shows that people have conflicting attitudes towards Russia a

Datablog | The gap between Georgian Dream supporters and everyone else is widening

Datablog | The gap between Georgian Dream supporters and everyone else is widening


Whether one considers themselves to be a supporter of Georgian Dream or not appears to be the single biggest factor in their view that Georgia is ‘heading in the right direction’ or not.  The share of the public thinking the country is going in the wrong direction has fluctuated dramatically over the years. But which groups have been more or less pessimistic over time remains an open question. The merged dataset of NDI and CRRC Georgia surveys from 2014 to 2021 suggests that throughout the flu

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