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Rati Shubladze
3 Posts
Rati is a Policy Analyst at CRRC Georgia.
Datablog | Lockdown vs re-opening the economy in Georgia

Datablog | Lockdown vs re-opening the economy in Georgia


Aside from the public health situation, COVID-19 has led to rising unemployment, reduced incomes, and food insecurity in Georgia. As the number of new daily confirmed cases is again on the rise, the Caucasus Datablog takes a look at how people felt about the anti-coronavirus restrictions when they were at their height. Despite polling from CRRC Georgia’s COVID-19 Monitor surveys showing that the public supported the vast majority of the government’s anti-coronavirus policies, the

Parliament of Georgia. Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media

Analysis | Support for democracy increased in Georgia during COVID-19, but what does that mean? 


The COVID-19 outbreak generated discussion about whether support for democracy would decline during and after the crisis. While reported support increased, this did not necessarily match support for democratic means of governance. Data from the CRRC’s COVID-19 monitor shows that more people in Georgia reported support for democracy compared to the pre-crisis period. However, as before the crisis, support for democracy does not seem to be grounded in the values commonly associated with democrat

An amublance in front of a hospital in Tbilisi. Photo: Tamuna Chkareuli/OC Media.

Analysis | Who trusts the healthcare system in Georgia?


As health officials in Georgia express concern about people not following their instructions, research carried out by CRRC Georgia examined who trusted Georgia’s healthcare system, and to what extent, may provide some clarity to what is going on. Trust in healthcare institutions is important, especially during a pandemic like the current COVID-19 outbreak. In the name of public health, numerous individual freedoms and economic activities are restricted.  Without trust in the

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