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CRRC Georgia (the Caucasus Research Resources Centre) is a non-governmental, non-profit research organisation, which collects, analyses and publishes policy relevant data on social, economic and political trends in Georgia.

Analysis | Dissatisfaction with government and support for protests increased during Sargsyan’s rule

CRRC examines how data showed increasing levels of dissatisfaction with the government and increased support for protests in the run-up to Armenia’s ‘Velvet Revolution’.

Analysis | Women are significantly less likely to go out to eat in Georgia

CRRC-Georgia examines what most affects people’s likelihood of eating in restaurants.

Analysis | Polarisation in Georgia’s media landscape

CRRC-Georgia examines the relationship between party affiliation and trust in different media outlets.

Analysis | As many Georgians think the West spreads propaganda as Russia

CRRC-Georgia examines people’s perceptions of Western and Russian ‘propaganda’, and how these perceptions might shape their views.

Analysis | One in six in Georgia think the country is a member of the EU

According to a new survey from CRRC-Georgia, ethnic Georgians and women are the most likely to mistakenly believe they are living in the EU.