Israel signs deal granting Azerbaijan’s SOCAR the rights to explore natural gas production
The agreement was the latest sign of increasingly close ties between Israel and Azerbaijan.
The agreement was the latest sign of increasingly close ties between Israel and Azerbaijan.
Since being chosen to host the UN’s annual climate summit last year, the oil-rich country has provoked concern among observers and activists over potential conflicts of interest. As details emerge of Azerbaijan’s attempts to use COP29 to promote its oil and gas industries, some worry the legitimacy of the conference could be at risk. On the walk into the sprawling tent complex that hosts COP29, the UN flag whips in the wind next to another featuring the logo of SOCAR — the state-run oil com
YASHAT, Azerbaijan’s state-backed fund for the support of the families of those wounded and killed during the second Nagorno-Karabakh war, has been marred by a number of allegations of forced donations. On December 8, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on the establishment of the YASHAT Foundation to support the families of those wounded and killed in the Second Karabakh War. Officially the fund’s source of money is voluntary donations and other sources not prohibited by law.
Azərbaycanda manatın iki dəfə ucuzlaşmasından iki il, dünya bazarında neftin qiymətinin aşağı düşməsindən üç il keçsə də, yerli təşkilatların bağlanması, beynəlxalq kommersiya şirkətlərinin ölkəni tərk etməsi, dövlət büdcəsindən xərcləmələrin azalması bu gün də “işsizlər ordusunun” mövcudluğunu davam etdirir. [İngilis dilində oxuyun — Read in English] [Rus dilində oxuyun — Читайте на русском] “Bu gün Azərbaycanda işləmək istəyən hər kəs iş tapa bilər,” Azərbaycan prezidenti İlham Əli
Two years after the twice devaluation of the manat and three years after world oil prices plummeted, official statistics in Azerbaijan suggest a rosy picture of the economy. Meanwhile, local companies continue to shut down, each day adding more people to the country’s army of unemployed. [Read in Azerbaijani — Azərbaycan dilində oxuyun] ‘Today everybody, who wants to work, can find a job’, Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan proclaimed on 4 August. According to him, 1.5 million job