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Might makes right — bullying in Azerbaijan’s schools

Attitudes on violence, masculinity, and honour mean the toughest lessons are often forced on children on the school grounds.

Might makes right — bullying in Azerbaijan’s schools

By Vafa Zeynalova

Attitudes on violence, masculinity, and honour mean the toughest lessons are often forced on children on the school grounds.

Georgian police ‘covered up domestic violence’

Two women have accused police of failing to investigate abusive partners because of connections they have with government bodies.

Georgian police ‘covered up domestic violence’

Two women have accused police of failing to investigate abusive partners because of connections they have with government bodies.

Women’s activists rally against sexual violence in Tbilisi

Dozens of women’s rights activists gathered at the pedestrian underpasses under Tbilisi’s Heroes’ Square to urge women to ‘reclaim the night’.

Women’s activists rally against sexual violence in Tbilisi

Dozens of women’s rights activists gathered at the pedestrian underpasses under Tbilisi’s Heroes’ Square to urge women to ‘reclaim the night’.

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