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Ekaterina Petrova
1 Posts
Ekaterina Petrova is a psychologist and queer rights activist born in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria. She has led several projects for the Russian LGBT Network.
Opinion | Queer women in the North Caucasus — doubly powerless
North Caucasus

Opinion | Queer women in the North Caucasus — doubly powerless


Today is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. Today queer people become visible. Some of these people who belong to more than one invisible group, who you have probably not seen or heard about, are queer women in the North Caucasus — a group who desperately need more visibility. Women. North Caucasian women. Non-heterosexual and transgender North Caucasian women. Society considers that they do not exist. According to some laws, they should not exist. And thes

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