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Hans Gutbrod
2 Posts
Hans teaches at Ilia State University, is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Seton Hall University, and regularly writes on questions of ethics and commemoration. Hans is o
Image produced by Hans Gutbrod using Midjourney AI. Prompt: People editing Wikipedia in the South Caucasus.

Datablog | What Georgians read on Wikipedia


Analysing the most-visited Georgian-language pages on Wikipedia gives an insight into the priorities and interests of Georgian users of the site, with some surprises. In the depths of the internet, a little-known site listing the page views of different sites gives access to a particular treasure: the 100 most visited Georgian-language Wikipedia entries since 2015, highlighting what people have been drawn to over the last seven years.  Some of the top pages may not come as a surprise to thos

Bolnisi Museum. Photo:  Fernando Javier Urquijo.
Feature Stories

Bolnisi Museum — the longest human journey


The Bolnisi Museum is a gem you should visit even if you have just a few days in Georgia. The findings it displays inspire awe and may even change how you look at the history of human development.  Around an hour’s drive south of Tbilisi, the Bolnisi Museum is the major exhibit for the archaeological site of Dmanisi — where the first hominins outside Africa were found. Opened two years ago as the pandemic got going, the museum is a first-class attraction, as its nomination for the European Mus

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