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Tsisana Khundadze
8 Posts
Tsisana is a senior researcher at CRRC Georgia.
Datablog | Georgians remain hesitant about vaccinating kids

Datablog | Georgians remain hesitant about vaccinating kids


Data from the CRRC Georgia and NDI December 2021 survey suggest that even fewer people in Georgia are willing to vaccinate their children than those who are willing to get vaccinated themselves. A 9 November decision by Georgian authorities enabled children aged 12 or older to be vaccinated against COVID-19, so long as there was parental consent.  In the December 2021 survey, 29% of Georgians reported already being vaccinated while 25% said they plan to get vaccinated, equivalent to 44% of t

Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.
Charles Michel Agreement

Datablog | Who should solve Georgia’s political crises?


Georgian politics often appears to be in a near-constant crisis — marked by protests, boycotts, and acrimony. But who do Georgians think should solve their political problems? Since the 2020 parliamentary elections, Georgia has experienced political deadlock. The EU and US both supported attempts to mediate between the government and opposition, ultimately leading to the Charles Michel Agreement. This agreement, though, was eventually abandoned.  Just this week, the opposition United Nationa

Municipal elections in Georgia. Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.
2021 Georgian Local Elections

Datablog | Do people think voter secrecy is respected in Georgia


International and local election observers often note violations of the secrecy of the ballot in Georgia, and the 2021 local elections were no exception.  According to a recent study, a plurality of people think such violations could take place in Georgia, and some have heard of such cases in the past year. On the survey on election-related attitudes carried out by CRRC Georgia for ISFED,  respondents were asked about a hypothetical country where a citizen’s vote was somehow revealed to a neig

Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.
2021 Georgian Local Elections

Datablog | Leaders or promises: What the Georgian public cares about when voting


Researchers often talk about the importance of policies and political leaders, with the importance of each dependent on the political culture of an electorate. So what are the most important factors for people in Georgia when deciding who to vote for?  This issue came to the forefront with the arrival of Mikheil Saakashvili in Georgia ahead of the first round of the 2021 local government elections. Whether this ultimately affected the election results is actively discussed.  While the impact

Datablog | Mental health and the pandemic

Datablog | Mental health and the pandemic


Nearly half of Georgians’ report negative impacts on their psychological health because of the pandemic, and women have been one of the worst affected groups.  Although the pandemic has been primarily a physical health crisis, it has also had large effects on people’s mental health. The pandemic altered the way people study, work, and travel — as well as almost every other aspect of everyday life.  Research from other countries has shown the pandemic has led to a significant rise in symptoms

Datablog | UNM supporters are especially pessimistic about their economic future

Datablog | UNM supporters are especially pessimistic about their economic future


With the pandemic still raging and accompanying economic restrictions still in force, Georgians are unsurprisingly pessimistic about their economic future. This holds true especially for supporters of the opposition United National Movement Party, above all other party supporters. COVID-19 restrictions have impacted people’s economic activity heavily. This is reflected in key economic indicators such as GDP, which declined by 5.9% year on year between January and November 2020.  It is also r

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