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Opinion | Azerbaijan’s cooling relations with Turkey

The Israel-Gaza war appears to have exacerbated existing tensions between Turkey and Azerbaijan, potentially pushing the two ‘brotherly’ countries apart irrevocably. 

Opinion | Azerbaijan’s cooling relations with Turkey

By Bahruz Samadov

The Israel-Gaza war appears to have exacerbated existing tensions between Turkey and Azerbaijan, potentially pushing the two ‘brotherly’ countries apart irrevocably. 


Opinion | Georgia’s queerphobic laws are a clear step towards authoritarianism

Following in well-established authoritarian footsteps, Georgia’s introduction of anti-queer laws are set to have dire consequences for the country’s democracy. 

Opinion | Georgia’s queerphobic laws are a clear step towards authoritarianism

By Aia Beraia

Following in well-established authoritarian footsteps, Georgia’s introduction of anti-queer laws are set to have dire consequences for the country’s democracy. 


Opinion | Georgia’s one-sided relationship with China comes with significant risks

The relationship has so far remained almost entirely one-sided, and in fact opens the country up to substantial new risks.

Opinion | Georgia’s one-sided relationship with China comes with significant risks

By Tinatin Khidasheli

The relationship has so far remained almost entirely one-sided, and in fact opens the country up to substantial new risks.


Editorial | Georgia’s ruling oligarch unhinged

Bidzina Ivanishvili has emerged from behind the curtains with a dark vision for the future of Georgia.

Editorial | Georgia’s ruling oligarch unhinged

By OC Media

Bidzina Ivanishvili has emerged from behind the curtains with a dark vision for the future of Georgia.


Opinion | Four years of entrapment: why Azerbaijan’s land borders remain closed

Azerbaijan’s land borders have been closed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Opinion | Four years of entrapment: why Azerbaijan’s land borders remain closed

By Javid Agha

Azerbaijan’s land borders have been closed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Opinion | Georgia’s minimum wage is stuck in the 90s

It’s past time for Georgia to raise its minimum wage, which has remained unchanged since the 1990s. 

Opinion | Georgia’s minimum wage is stuck in the 90s

By Jeff Vize

It’s past time for Georgia to raise its minimum wage, which has remained unchanged since the 1990s. 


Opinion | How Azerbaijan uses ‘anti-colonialism’ to authoritarian ends

Azerbaijan’s official statements have in recent months taken a new turn, using anti-colonial rhetoric to criticise Western countries for their involvement in the region.

Opinion | How Azerbaijan uses ‘anti-colonialism’ to authoritarian ends

By Bahruz Samadov

Azerbaijan’s official statements have in recent months taken a new turn, using anti-colonial rhetoric to criticise Western countries for their involvement in the region.


Editorial | Ilham Aliyev’s attempt to eradicate the free press cannot succeed

Despite the Azerbaijani President’s apparent strength, the very existence of media organisations like Abzas proves he cannot succeed.

Editorial | Ilham Aliyev’s attempt to eradicate the free press cannot succeed

By OC Media

Despite the Azerbaijani President’s apparent strength, the very existence of media organisations like Abzas proves he cannot succeed.


Opinion | Fourteen years on Rustaveli Avenue — documenting Georgia’s descent into authoritarianism

Having worked as a journalist for 14 years, I have seen and documented my country’s descent first-hand.

Opinion | Fourteen years on Rustaveli Avenue — documenting Georgia’s descent into authoritarianism

By Mariam Nikuradze

Having worked as a journalist for 14 years, I have seen and documented my country’s descent first-hand.


Opinion | The EU should step up its support for Armenia

As Moscow turns on Pashinyan, the EU should step up its support for Armenia’s fledgling democracy.

Opinion | The EU should step up its support for Armenia

By Denis Cenusa

As Moscow turns on Pashinyan, the EU should step up its support for Armenia’s fledgling democracy.