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Podcast | Kesaria Abramidze’s murder and transphobia in Georgia

27 September 2024

The high-profile murder of Kesaria Abramidze, a prominent Georgian trans model and media personality, has sent shockwaves through Georgia’s queer community, with many accusing the government of enabling her murder through their transphobic and homophobic rhetoric and their ‘LGBT propaganda’ law. Abramidze’s suspected murder, her former partner, was charged with committing a hate crime based on gender, and not one based on Abramidze’s gender identity.

This week, we spoke to activist Monica Tigishvili about Abramidze’s murder and being trans in Georgia, and to the Rule of Law Centre’s hate crime researcher Nati Gelovani and Parntership for Human Rights criminal lawyer Tamara Zarkua about how Georgia’s legal system handles transphobic hate crimes.

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