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Podcast | Tea Tsulukiani’s chokehold on Georgian culture

18 August 2023

Georgia’s Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Youth has seen a lot of changes since Tea Tsulukiani’s appointment as minister, with Tsulukiani, a veteran member of the ruling Georgian Dream party, overseeing the ‘reorganisation’ of the ministry and its agencies.

This week on the Caucasus Digest, we spoke to Lika Zakashvili, editor-in-chief of Publika, about Tsulukiani’s tenure as minister and her reorganisation efforts. Luka Beradze, director of Smiling Georgia, talks about why Georgia’s film community is protesting Tsulukiani’s dismissal of the National Film Centre’s director and other employees. Khatuna Tskhadadze, a literary translator and teacher, talks about Tsulukiani’s appointment of a ruling party MP to head the Writer’s House.

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