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Asida Shakryl

2 Posts
Anas Kishmariya (left) and Diana Kerselyan. Photo: OC Media

Abkhazia’s parliament elects new human rights commissioner


Abkhazia has elected a new human rights commissioner, giving the post to a psychologist with family ties to government officials over a lawyer specialising in human rights in the region.  Abkhazia’s parliament overwhelmingly voted to elect Anas Kishmariya, a 36-year-old who had been working as a psychology and pedagogy teacher at Abkhaz State University and a psychologist at the Alashar kindergarten in Sukhumi (Sukhum), to the post on Wednesday.  She received 32 out of 34 votes, while the ot

Abkhazian president’s legal woes continue 47 days after election
2019 Abkhazian Presidential Elections

Abkhazian president’s legal woes continue 47 days after election


Despite being sworn in over two weeks ago, legal challenges to Abkhazian President Raul Khadzhimba’s election victory continue to mount. Alkhas Kvitsiniya is continuing to challenge the Central Election Commission’s results 47 days after the disputed election. On 23 October, the Supreme Court of Abkhazia dismissed a cassation appeal filed two days earlier by Human Rights Commissioner Asida Shakryl.  Shakryl was challenging the Supreme Court’s 20 September decision to strike down president

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