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#Queer Rights

Lesbian couple ‘attacked outside their home’ in Tbilisi

Activists report the couple were spat at, threatened with a knife, and subjected to homophobic slurs near their home in central Tbilisi.

Lesbian couple ‘attacked outside their home’ in Tbilisi

Activists report the couple were spat at, threatened with a knife, and subjected to homophobic slurs near their home in central Tbilisi.

Transitioning off the grid

With little access to healthcare, trans people in Azerbaijan must choose between gender dysphoria or undergoing hormonal therapy on their own.

Transitioning off the grid

By Hamida Giyasbayli

With little access to healthcare, trans people in Azerbaijan must choose between gender dysphoria or undergoing hormonal therapy on their own.

Rumours of violent new anti-queer group spark worry in Azerbaijan

The group’s alleged objective is to carry out attacks on queer individuals.

Rumours of violent new anti-queer group spark worry in Azerbaijan

The group’s alleged objective is to carry out attacks on queer individuals.

Voice | ‘I was kidnapped by my family’

Devran Ibrahimsoy, 25, did not receive his family’s support when he discovered his gender identity; after he fled to Baku, they even kidnapped him.

Voice | ‘I was kidnapped by my family’

Devran Ibrahimsoy, 25, did not receive his family’s support when he discovered his gender identity; after he fled to Baku, they even kidnapped him.

Opinion | Who are the feminists in Azerbaijan?

We must distinguish feminists from those who say they advocate for equality but reject the ‘f-word’. 

Opinion | Who are the feminists in Azerbaijan?

By Vahid Aliyev

We must distinguish feminists from those who say they advocate for equality but reject the ‘f-word’. 

Opinion | Feminism in the South Caucasus cannot succeed without queer rights

The exclusionary nature of mainstream liberal feminism in the South Caucasus has rendered it utterly impotent.

Opinion | Feminism in the South Caucasus cannot succeed without queer rights

By Ramil Zamanov

The exclusionary nature of mainstream liberal feminism in the South Caucasus has rendered it utterly impotent.

Russian police ‘abduct gay Chechen brothers’ from safehouse in central Russia

Activists suspect the brothers, aged 17 and 20, have already been handed over to Chechen special forces.

Russian police ‘abduct gay Chechen brothers’ from safehouse in central Russia

Activists suspect the brothers, aged 17 and 20, have already been handed over to Chechen special forces.

Seven years after the suicide of Isa Shakhmarli — little change for queer Azerbaijanis

For the past six years, Azerbaijan’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans community has marked 22 January as a day to fight homophobic hate.

Seven years after the suicide of Isa Shakhmarli — little change for queer Azerbaijanis

By Hamida Giyasbayli

For the past six years, Azerbaijan’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans community has marked 22 January as a day to fight homophobic hate.

Georgians take queerness and gender-bending to TikTok 

Queer Georgians are increasingly flocking to TikTok to explore and express their identities.

Georgians take queerness and gender-bending to TikTok 

By Shota Kincha

Queer Georgians are increasingly flocking to TikTok to explore and express their identities.

ECHR rules against Georgia for ‘grossly inappropriate’ and ‘homophobic’ police raid

The Georgian state was found responsible for the inhuman or degrading treatment of activists and discrimination.

ECHR rules against Georgia for ‘grossly inappropriate’ and ‘homophobic’ police raid

The Georgian state was found responsible for the inhuman or degrading treatment of activists and discrimination.

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