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‘If she goes out — her relatives will kill her’

Men who kill their female relatives over ‘immoral behaviour’ are rarely brought to justice.

‘If she goes out — her relatives will kill her’

By Daptar

Men who kill their female relatives over ‘immoral behaviour’ are rarely brought to justice.

Kadyrov contradicts officials demanding apology from comedian

Chechen officials earlier demanded comedian Semyon Slepakov publicly apologise for a satirical song, a tactic they frequently use against critics.

Kadyrov contradicts officials demanding apology from comedian

Chechen officials earlier demanded comedian Semyon Slepakov publicly apologise for a satirical song, a tactic they frequently use against critics.

South Ossetia’s youth are striving for opportunities at home and abroad

Young people in South Ossetia have lots of ideas for improving their homeland — but the challenges are many, and the opportunities limited.

South Ossetia’s youth are striving for opportunities at home and abroad

By Gana Yanovskaya

Young people in South Ossetia have lots of ideas for improving their homeland — but the challenges are many, and the opportunities limited.

Hundreds rally in Ingushetia for return of directly elected head

The protest organised by the Council of Teips of the Ingush People was demanding the return of direct elections for the head of Ingushetia.

Hundreds rally in Ingushetia for return of directly elected head

The protest organised by the Council of Teips of the Ingush People was demanding the return of direct elections for the head of Ingushetia.

Georgia cuts diplomatic relations with Syria after it recognises Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Georgia’s Deputy Foreign Minister said the move ‘supported the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Georgia’.

Georgia cuts diplomatic relations with Syria after it recognises Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Georgia’s Deputy Foreign Minister said the move ‘supported the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Georgia’.

Russia–Georgia trade corridor agreement ‘to move forward’

The three trade corridors discussed in the latest Abashidze–Karasin meeting include one each through Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Russia–Georgia trade corridor agreement ‘to move forward’

The three trade corridors discussed in the latest Abashidze–Karasin meeting include one each through Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Seven dead in Islamic State church attack in Chechnya

The four attackers were killed after failing to storm Grozny’s only Orthodox Church.

Seven dead in Islamic State church attack in Chechnya

The four attackers were killed after failing to storm Grozny’s only Orthodox Church.

Russia drops embargo on Abkhazian agricultural goods

The reversal comes just a week after the ban was first announced.

Russia drops embargo on Abkhazian agricultural goods

The reversal comes just a week after the ban was first announced.

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