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Three Georgian trans men win gender recognition case at European Court

The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Georgian legislation is vague and a source of ‘arbitrary decisions’.

Three Georgian trans men win gender recognition case at European Court

The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Georgian legislation is vague and a source of ‘arbitrary decisions’.

New forum reveals splits and points of convergence in Abkhazia’s opposition

The forum of opposition parties and activist groups revealed a wide range of shared grievances and a few points of contention.

New forum reveals splits and points of convergence in Abkhazia’s opposition

By OC Media

The forum of opposition parties and activist groups revealed a wide range of shared grievances and a few points of contention.

Anti-torture watchdog warns that Saakashvili could die without treatment abroad

Empathy’s statement said Saakashvili was ‘practically healthy’ before his arrest.

Anti-torture watchdog warns that Saakashvili could die without treatment abroad

Empathy’s statement said Saakashvili was ‘practically healthy’ before his arrest.

Imedi journalist under fire for potential data breach of her critics

Marika Bakuradze contacted critics of her TV report and aired their allegedly off-record conversations. 

Imedi journalist under fire for potential data breach of her critics

Marika Bakuradze contacted critics of her TV report and aired their allegedly off-record conversations. 

Datablog | Georgians sceptical about functioning of parliament

A majority of Georgians feel that the country's parliament does not function effectively and does not represent their interests.

Datablog | Georgians sceptical about functioning of parliament

By Dustin Gilbreath

A majority of Georgians feel that the country's parliament does not function effectively and does not represent their interests.

New pro-queer and feminist green party launches in Georgia

Several hundred supporters and members attended the launch of the Georgian Greens party in Tbilisi.

New pro-queer and feminist green party launches in Georgia

Several hundred supporters and members attended the launch of the Georgian Greens party in Tbilisi.

Man allegedly burns ex-wife to death in western Georgia

The news is the latest in a spate of high-profile cases of femicide and violence against women in Georgia.

Man allegedly burns ex-wife to death in western Georgia

The news is the latest in a spate of high-profile cases of femicide and violence against women in Georgia.

Datablog | Nudging Georgians to self-test for HIV

Offering people a reward for testing for HIV and making tests more accessible can encourage young people to self-test.

Datablog | Nudging Georgians to self-test for HIV

By Dustin Gilbreath

Offering people a reward for testing for HIV and making tests more accessible can encourage young people to self-test.

Podcast | Ivanishvili's baobab trees and the CSTO in Yerevan

Kenya blocks the transportation of native baobab trees to a park set up by Georgian Dream founder Bidzina Ivanishvili and the CSTO convenes in Yerevan.

Podcast | Ivanishvili's baobab trees and the CSTO in Yerevan

Kenya blocks the transportation of native baobab trees to a park set up by Georgian Dream founder Bidzina Ivanishvili and the CSTO convenes in Yerevan.

Kenya blocks export of baobab trees to Georgia citing ‘irregularities’

Documents suggest the trees were destined for the Shekvetili Dendrological Park, set up by Georgian Dream founder Bidzina Ivanishvili.

Kenya blocks export of baobab trees to Georgia citing ‘irregularities’

Documents suggest the trees were destined for the Shekvetili Dendrological Park, set up by Georgian Dream founder Bidzina Ivanishvili.

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