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#Minority Rights

Voice | ‘They say Georgia is a tolerant and diverse country; these are just words’

Gulgun Mamadli, 22, talks about experiencing xenophobia and hate speech during the pandemic.

Voice | ‘They say Georgia is a tolerant and diverse country; these are just words’

Gulgun Mamadli, 22, talks about experiencing xenophobia and hate speech during the pandemic.

The name game in Azerbaijan: protection or discrimination?

Azerbaijan’s list of banned names is supposed to protect children from ridicule, but many suspect the true purpose is ethnic discrimnation.

The name game in Azerbaijan: protection or discrimination?

By Rahim Shaliyev

Azerbaijan’s list of banned names is supposed to protect children from ridicule, but many suspect the true purpose is ethnic discrimnation.

Being Baha’i in Armenia

Armenia’s small Baha’i community has lived in the country for over a century; now they are finding their place in the new post-revolutionary order.

Being Baha’i in Armenia

By Armine Avetisyan

Armenia’s small Baha’i community has lived in the country for over a century; now they are finding their place in the new post-revolutionary order.

FSB raid homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Karachay-Cherkessia

Ten people were reportedly detained and a criminal case was opened against one person.

FSB raid homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Karachay-Cherkessia

Ten people were reportedly detained and a criminal case was opened against one person.

Russia’s war on Jehovah’s Witnesses reaches Daghestan

After Russia banned the organisation as an ‘extremist sect’ in 2017,  four Jehovah’s Witnesses are now on trial in Daghestan.

Russia’s war on Jehovah’s Witnesses reaches Daghestan

By Saida Vagabova

After Russia banned the organisation as an ‘extremist sect’ in 2017,  four Jehovah’s Witnesses are now on trial in Daghestan.

Georgian Muslim villages fight back against Orthodox Church land-grab

Local residents claim the lands are vital for them to sustain their families, but local church officials don’t share their concerns.

Georgian Muslim villages fight back against Orthodox Church land-grab

By Dato Parulava

Local residents claim the lands are vital for them to sustain their families, but local church officials don’t share their concerns.

Denial of construction permit for Batumi mosque was discriminatory, court rules

The local Muslim community has been trying to build a second mosque in Batumi for over two decades.

Denial of construction permit for Batumi mosque was discriminatory, court rules

The local Muslim community has been trying to build a second mosque in Batumi for over two decades.

Anti-Semitic statement by Kadyrov provokes anger amoung Russian-Israeli Jews

In a speech to a visiting delegation from Jordan, Kadyrov said the Jewish people were ‘the main enemies of Islam’.

Anti-Semitic statement by Kadyrov provokes anger amoung Russian-Israeli Jews

In a speech to a visiting delegation from Jordan, Kadyrov said the Jewish people were ‘the main enemies of Islam’.

Court begins hearing Batumi mosque appeal after 2-year standstill

The lawsuit was brought by a group of Muslim’s against the city authorities over their refusal to grant a contruction permit.

Court begins hearing Batumi mosque appeal after 2-year standstill

The lawsuit was brought by a group of Muslim’s against the city authorities over their refusal to grant a contruction permit.

New bill in Georgia would scrap military exemptions for non-Orthodox religions

Under the new bill, Georgian Orthodox priests would be the only people eligible to defer military service for religious reasons.

New bill in Georgia would scrap military exemptions for non-Orthodox religions

Under the new bill, Georgian Orthodox priests would be the only people eligible to defer military service for religious reasons.