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Fresco fined for women’s changing room cameras

12 July 2017

Georgia’s Personal Data Protection Inspector imposed a ₾2,000 ($800) fine on 11 July on supermarket chain Fresco, for violating rules on video surveillance.

The inspector began investigating Fresco in April, after reports emerged of surveillance cameras being installed in women’s staff changing rooms.

The Data Protection Inspector ordered Fresco to immediately halt surveillance in dressing rooms and to destroy all footage recorded.

‘As a result of the investigation of Fresco Ltd we established that the company actually implements video surveillance in its branches in the dressing rooms for women’, the statement from the inspector reads.

Fresco’s former employees shared a video on 11 April showing the cameras; they claimed that there were no cameras in the men’s changing rooms.

Fresco’s administration responded at the time that the they installed the cameras to ‘prevent theft and physical confrontation’, which they claimed their women employees were more prone to.

OC Media has reached out to Fresco for a comment.


[Read on OC Media: Fresco slammed for installing surveillance cameras in women’s dressing rooms]

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