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Anti-war protest held in Grozny

Kadyrov confirmed that a protest, the first in his 15 years in power, had been held in the Chechen capital.

Anti-war protest held in Grozny

Kadyrov confirmed that a protest, the first in his 15 years in power, had been held in the Chechen capital.

Anti-Semitic statement by Kadyrov provokes anger amoung Russian-Israeli Jews

In a speech to a visiting delegation from Jordan, Kadyrov said the Jewish people were ‘the main enemies of Islam’.

Anti-Semitic statement by Kadyrov provokes anger amoung Russian-Israeli Jews

In a speech to a visiting delegation from Jordan, Kadyrov said the Jewish people were ‘the main enemies of Islam’.

A Chechen refugee Poland wants to give up to Russia

Execution, murder, abduction, rape, torture, intimidation — this is the possible fate of a Chechen refugee who still faces deportation.

A Chechen refugee Poland wants to give up to Russia

By Małgorzata Łojkowska

Execution, murder, abduction, rape, torture, intimidation — this is the possible fate of a Chechen refugee who still faces deportation.

Chechen parliament chair Daudov in spat with Daghestani historian over new Chechen border tower

The traditional Chechen watchtower was built on a disputed area of the Chechen-Daghestani border.

Chechen parliament chair Daudov in spat with Daghestani historian over new Chechen border tower

The traditional Chechen watchtower was built on a disputed area of the Chechen-Daghestani border.

Daghestani border communities demand transparency in Chechnya border discussions

A delegation from Daghestan travelled to the Chechen capital, Grozny, for the second meeting on the border.

Daghestani border communities demand transparency in Chechnya border discussions

A delegation from Daghestan travelled to the Chechen capital, Grozny, for the second meeting on the border.

Fourteen men convicted in ‘secret terror trial’ in Chechnya

Relatives said they were promised the men would receive lighter sentences if they did not contact rights groups or the media.

Fourteen men convicted in ‘secret terror trial’ in Chechnya

Relatives said they were promised the men would receive lighter sentences if they did not contact rights groups or the media.

‘Five dead’ in coordinated attacks on police in Chechnya

One police officer was killed along with four attackers, according to official sources, the youngest of who was 11.

‘Five dead’ in coordinated attacks on police in Chechnya

One police officer was killed along with four attackers, according to official sources, the youngest of who was 11.

Seven dead in Islamic State church attack in Chechnya

The four attackers were killed after failing to storm Grozny’s only Orthodox Church.

Seven dead in Islamic State church attack in Chechnya

The four attackers were killed after failing to storm Grozny’s only Orthodox Church.

Daghestani woman who returned from Syria sentenced to 8 years in prison

Muslimat Kurbanova, 25, is to serve her sentence in 13 years time, when her daughter turns 14.

Daghestani woman who returned from Syria sentenced to 8 years in prison

Muslimat Kurbanova, 25, is to serve her sentence in 13 years time, when her daughter turns 14.

Voice from Makhachkala | ‘Mum, we are not in Turkey, but in Syria’

Amatulla Kurbanova recounts how her daughter eloped to Syria, returned home with a young daughter, and now remains in jail.

Voice from Makhachkala | ‘Mum, we are not in Turkey, but in Syria’

Amatulla Kurbanova recounts how her daughter eloped to Syria, returned home with a young daughter, and now remains in jail.