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Opinion | Who benefits from dragging out the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

With sporadic violence being met by a constant stream of mutual recriminations, peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan can seem like a murky prospect.

Opinion | Who benefits from dragging out the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

By Bashir Kitachayev

With sporadic violence being met by a constant stream of mutual recriminations, peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan can seem like a murky prospect.


Opinion | High stakes for Armenian democracy in rights defender’s trial

If Sashik Sultanyan is found guilty of ‘inciting ethnic hatred’, the work of all human rights defenders in the country will be imperilled. 

Opinion | High stakes for Armenian democracy in rights defender’s trial

By Anahit Chilingaryan

If Sashik Sultanyan is found guilty of ‘inciting ethnic hatred’, the work of all human rights defenders in the country will be imperilled. 


Opinion | The world has woken up to the Russian terror that the Chechens know only too well

Russia’s wars against Chechnya have provided the blueprint for its brutal invasion of Ukraine.

Opinion | The world has woken up to the Russian terror that the Chechens know only too well

By Anzor Maskhadov

Russia’s wars against Chechnya have provided the blueprint for its brutal invasion of Ukraine.


Opinion | The silent victims of war

In post-war Azerbaijan, the wives and widows of soldiers are revered only as long as they remain unquestioning.

Opinion | The silent victims of war

By Narmin Shahmarzade

In post-war Azerbaijan, the wives and widows of soldiers are revered only as long as they remain unquestioning.


Opinion | Russia’s war could spell trouble for Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh

An isolated and resurgent Russia has troubling implications for the sovereignty of Armenia and security in Nagorno Karabakh.

Opinion | Russia’s war could spell trouble for Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh

By Tigran Grigoryan

An isolated and resurgent Russia has troubling implications for the sovereignty of Armenia and security in Nagorno Karabakh.


Opinion | Georgian Dream’s Ukrainian nightmare

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is forcing Georgia’s rulers to make some tough choices.

Opinion | Georgian Dream’s Ukrainian nightmare

By Matt Smith

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is forcing Georgia’s rulers to make some tough choices.


Opinion | Russia’s death train rolls through Chechnya and Ingushetia

Russia’s ‘victory train’ is a grotesque parody of the trains that took so many to exile and death.

Opinion | Russia’s death train rolls through Chechnya and Ingushetia

By Magomed Torijev

Russia’s ‘victory train’ is a grotesque parody of the trains that took so many to exile and death.


Opinion | Kadyrov’s growing Apologystan 

When it comes to relations with neighbouring regions, Chechnya’s Ramzan Kadyrov acts with all the humbleness of a Sultan in a Turkish soap opera. 

Opinion | Kadyrov’s growing Apologystan 

By Magomed Torijev

When it comes to relations with neighbouring regions, Chechnya’s Ramzan Kadyrov acts with all the humbleness of a Sultan in a Turkish soap opera. 


Opinion | Is dialogue viable amid continuous bloodshed?

The co-founder of an  Armenian-Azerbaijani  dialogue platform comments on the challenges facing the project in light of renewed violence between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Opinion | Is dialogue viable amid continuous bloodshed?

By Arnold Alahverdian

The co-founder of an  Armenian-Azerbaijani  dialogue platform comments on the challenges facing the project in light of renewed violence between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


Opinion | Ukraine has a duty to remove North Caucasian volunteer fighters from the sanctions list 

Ukraine's refusal to exclude Chechen and Ingush volunteer fighters from the sanctions list jeopardizes the lives and dignity of men who risked everything for the country.

Opinion | Ukraine has a duty to remove North Caucasian volunteer fighters from the sanctions list 

By Aleks Tor

Ukraine's refusal to exclude Chechen and Ingush volunteer fighters from the sanctions list jeopardizes the lives and dignity of men who risked everything for the country.