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Opposition calls OSCE/ODIHR report ‘historically negative’

Georgia’s four main opposition groups, Strong Georgia, Unity — National Movement, the Coalition for Change, and For Georgia have published a joint statement calling the OSCE/ODIHR assessment ‘historically the most negative conclusion’ the organisation has ever written on elections in Georgia.

‘The conclusion and set of recommendations published today by the OSCE/ODIHR confirmed the illegitimacy of the election results, which is the basis for re-elections’, the statement read.

‘The OSCE conclusion unequivocally states that there was a lack of trust in the electoral process on the part of voters, which was reflected in the political crisis that arose after the elections, mass protests that were brutally dispersed, and violations of the fundamental rights of citizens’.

They said the report provided ‘a legal and logical basis for fulfilling the demands of the majority of society and the pro-Western, democratic opposition and calling new elections’.

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