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Video | Company Town

Video | Company Town

This old industrial town in western Georgia is famous for its manganese mines. But the industry, the city’s lifeblood, is now literally undermining the homes of some of its residents. Meanwhile, the Georgian government sits back and does nothing.

By: Mariam Nikuradze, Dato Parulava, and Peter Liakhov

See our previous video from Chiatura: Chiatura’s sinking village.

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Shukruti. Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.

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Residents of Shukruti in western Georgia in front of a mine in their village. Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.

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Miners concluded their protest outside the parliament on 24 June. Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.

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A group of striking miners from Chiatura outside the parliament building in Tbilisi. Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.
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