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Opinion | This election was our first ‘OK boomer’ to Azerbaijan’s political order

From boredom and camaraderie to confrontations with carousel voters, this was my experience as an observer in Azerbaijan’s recent election.

Opinion | This election was our first ‘OK boomer’ to Azerbaijan’s political order

By Javid Agha

From boredom and camaraderie to confrontations with carousel voters, this was my experience as an observer in Azerbaijan’s recent election.


Editorial | Georgian Dream’s seven ‘bloody years’

Georgian Dream swept to power in 2012 on the promise of ending police violence, which they labelled the UNM’s ‘nine bloody years’. They have failed.

Editorial | Georgian Dream’s seven ‘bloody years’

By OC Media

Georgian Dream swept to power in 2012 on the promise of ending police violence, which they labelled the UNM’s ‘nine bloody years’. They have failed.


Opinion | Georgia's neoliberal agony

For years Georgia has been in thrall to neoliberalism, but now it seems that it is a spent force.

Opinion | Georgia's neoliberal agony

By Mate Gabitsinashvili

For years Georgia has been in thrall to neoliberalism, but now it seems that it is a spent force.

Opinion | Ilham Aliyev’s anti-Europe speech foreshadows big changes in Azerbaijan

A speech delivered by Aliyev on 26 November represents a sharp break from the usual content of his speeches in its ideological content.

Opinion | Ilham Aliyev’s anti-Europe speech foreshadows big changes in Azerbaijan

By Bahruz Samadov

A speech delivered by Aliyev on 26 November represents a sharp break from the usual content of his speeches in its ideological content.


Opinion | The killing of women in Azerbaijan is a product of our society 

To tackle the scourge of domestic violence we need to go to the root of the problem — the societal norms underpinning the violence.

Opinion | The killing of women in Azerbaijan is a product of our society 

By Arzu Geybulla

To tackle the scourge of domestic violence we need to go to the root of the problem — the societal norms underpinning the violence.



Opinion |  Azerbaijan’s traditional opposition needs to appeal to the young

Although the last two protests in Azerbaijan tell of a changing picture in the country, it is too early to have hopes for radical changes.

Opinion |  Azerbaijan’s traditional opposition needs to appeal to the young

By Bahruz Samadov

Although the last two protests in Azerbaijan tell of a changing picture in the country, it is too early to have hopes for radical changes.


Opinion | Misogyny and Armenophobic hate underpins the furore over Armine Harutyunyan

The online furore reveals deep-seated prejudices among the Georgian public as well as an irresponsible media.

Opinion | Misogyny and Armenophobic hate underpins the furore over Armine Harutyunyan

By Alla Parunova

The online furore reveals deep-seated prejudices among the Georgian public as well as an irresponsible media.


Opinion | We cannot build democracy in a country of family dictatorships

The recent domestic violence scandal involving the Popular Front Party has revealed a dark side of Azerbaijan’s opposition.

Opinion | We cannot build democracy in a country of family dictatorships

By Javid Agha

The recent domestic violence scandal involving the Popular Front Party has revealed a dark side of Azerbaijan’s opposition.


Opinion | Cosmetic touch-ups won’t break Azerbaijan’s cycle of crisis

The Azerbaijani government must address the underlying issues instead of buying time with nonsolutions.

Opinion | Cosmetic touch-ups won’t break Azerbaijan’s cycle of crisis

By Arzu Geybulla

The Azerbaijani government must address the underlying issues instead of buying time with nonsolutions.