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Live updates: Minsk Group set to meet as fighting enters twelfth day

8 October 2020

Fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in Nagorno-Karabakh is continuing for the twelfth day.

[The news as it happened: 27 September, 28 September, 29 September, 30 September, 1 October, 2 October, 3 October, 4 October, 5 October, 6 October, and 7 October]

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 For ease of reading, we choose not to use qualifiers such as ‘de facto’, ‘unrecognised’, or ‘partially recognised’ when discussing institutions or political positions within Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, and South Ossetia. This does not imply a position on their status.

08 Oct 2020, 20:29

Armenia: A total of 22 civilians dead in Nagorno-Karabakh

The Armenian Unified Infocenter reports that a total of 22 civilians have been killed and 95 injured in Nagorno-Karabakh since the fighting began. Roughly  5800 buildings are reported to be damaged or destroyed. 

08 Oct 2020, 18:22

Journalists reportedly injured in second bombing of Ghazanchetsots Cathedral

According to Nagorno-Karabakh’s Human Rights Defender, three journalists, one of them Russian, were wounded after the Ghazanchetsots Cathedral in Shusha (Shushi) was bombed for the second time today. The journalists were there to record the damage from the first strike. 

08 Oct 2020, 17:23

Fallen rocket found in Daghestan

Daghestani outlet Budni Kavkaza has reported that a rocket has been found in an area near the village of Chirag in the southeast Agulskiy District of Daghestan. 

Zakir Guseynov, the head of Agulskiy District, told Russian News Agency Ria that local residents found a crater from the explosion and metal fragments in the mountains near Chirag. They quoted one local resident as saying they heard ‘sounds resembling thunder’ in the area a week ago.

08 Oct 2020, 17:20

Azerbaijani Authorities: 31 civilians killed so far

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Azerbaijan reports that 31 civilians have died so far on the Azerbaijani side. Another 154 are reported to be injured.

08 Oct 2020, 15:44

Ghazanchetsots Cathedral hit

The Ghazanchetsots Cathedral in Shusha (Shushi) has been damaged by artillery fire from Azerbaijan, the authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh report.

08 Oct 2020, 14:27

Armenia appoints new Head of the National Security Service 

Mikael Hambardzumyan has been appointed acting Head of the National Security Service of Armenia (NSS) after Argishti Karamyan was dismissed earlier today.

Hambardzumyan was previously the Deputy Head of the NSS. 

08 Oct 2020, 14:23

Armenian military fatalities rise to 350

Nagorno-Karabakh’s Ministry of Defense reports that 350 soldiers have been killed on the Armenian since the fighting began on 27 September. Azerbaijan has not released military casualty figures.

08 Oct 2020, 13:10

Pashinyan fires the Head of National Security Service 

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has dismissed the Head of the National Security Service, Argishti Karamyan.

No reason has been given for Karamyan’s for dismissal.

08 Oct 2020, 12:17

Azerbaijan: several cities shelled

Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defence has reported that the city of Barda has been shelled.

They also earlier reported the shelling of the city of Aghjabadi, Tartar, Goranboy, and Aghdam.

The authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh reported that Stepanakert was shelled overnight.

08 Oct 2020, 10:53

Two drones crash in Georgia

Georgia’s Interior Ministry announced last night that they received reports that two unmanned drones crashed separately near the village of Udabno in Sagarejo Municipality and near the village of Sanavardo of Kvareli Municipality, both in the eastern Kakheti Region. 

The authorities said no one was hurt in either incident and that they had launched an investigation into both cases.

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